Oct 28, 2019 If the relevant plugin files are in the above folders, perform a rescan: Launch Ableton Live and go to: Windows: Options Preferences Mac: Live Preferences; Select: Plug-ins tab (Ableton Live 10.1 and above) or; File/Folder tab (Ableton Live 10.0 and below) Toggle Use VST button off and on again: Ableton Live 10.1 and above. Ableton Live project are totally compatible between multiple computer, Mac/PC, as long as you have the same plug-ins installed on all the computers. I sync my projects on dropbox from my Mac, and I can open them in my PC, and vice-versa.
Ableton Live VST and Plugins FAQ
Ableton Live is about making music. When you're writing and composing, Live is quick and responsive. When you want to record and develop your ideas, Live has the depth and toolset for intricate production. It's got the features to take your DJ skills to the next level and it's stable and flexible on stage, whether you're playing in front of 10 or 10,000 people.
To install and add VST, VST3, and AU plugins to Ableton Live 10 on a Mac: Download the plugin as 64-bit Run the plugin installer Save the plugin in the folder where your 64-bit plugins are stored.
Can I access VST Plug-ins in Live when it is running as ReWire slave? |
Why don't I have a VST Plug-in folder in my Live Application folder in OS X? |
Why doesn't Live show my VST Plug-ins in the Plug-in Effects Browser window? |
I am rescanning my VST directory in Live but it still doesn't show all of my plug-ins. Why? |
I'm trying to add automation data for several plug-in parameters to one track, but whenever I record new automation, my previously recorded automation data is erased. |
Live crashes when I try to open a Live Set containing my Waves Plug-ins. |
Does Live support Direct X Plug-ins? |
When using VST or built-in instruments, where is the window that allows me to arrange notes onto key tracks using a piano roll? |
How should I set the Plug-in buffer size in the Live 7 or 6 Preferences/CPU tab? |
Does Live support Cocoa user interfaces for plugins on the Mac? |
Live doesn't show all of my VST plugins on my Intel Mac, although they are all Universal Binary. |
Why aren't my third-party plug-ins working correctly with Live 8's Configure Mode? |
You can use VST Plug-ins in Live only while running Live as ReWire master or as a stand-alone application. |
The VST folder under Mac OS X is located in the following folder: Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST. You place your VST Plug-ins in this directory. |
Please go to the File/Folder Preferences and be sure you have selected the correct Path for your VST Plug-in Custom Folder. Live's default setting is the VST folder within your Live Folder, with the exception of OS X, which uses the OS X Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST folder. If you use an Intel Mac, please ensure that your VST Plug-ins are compatible. Be sure you have set the Path for your VST Plug-in Custom Folder. |
Please be sure that the plug-in is actually a VST effect plug-in. If you are using Mac OS X, please be sure that the plug-in is not a Mac OS 9 effect. If you're using an Intel-Mac, please be sure that your VST is compatible with your system. If it is a indeed a VST effect plug-in, try holding Alt/Option while clicking on Rescan so that Live does a completely new scan of the directory. |
In order to overdub automation data, make sure that the Arm Recording button of the track is NOT armed. Hit the Record button and then the Play button in the Control Bar to record the automation. If the individual track Arm buttons are enabled, Live will erase any previously recorded automation. |
Waves VST is compatible with Live 7/8 from version 5.9.7. Please update to the newest version. |
Live does not support Direct X Plug-ins. Live does support VST Plug-ins, however. Please see if there is a VST version of the plug-in you wish to use. |
MIDI notes in Live are drawn into MIDI clips. If you do not already have a MIDI clip open, you can create one by double-clicking a clip slot in the Session View track containing your instrument. The MIDI Editor, which contains the piano roll and key tracks, is located in the Clip View at the bottom of the screen. It can be toggled with the Envelope Editor by clicking the title bars of the Notes and Envelopes boxes. If you do not see the Notes box, activate the round switch in the lower left corner with the note icon. With Draw Mode enabled, you can draw MIDI notes into the MIDI Editor and then disable Draw Mode to move them around. Zooming and scrolling in the MIDI Editor work the same way as they do in the Arrangement View, by clicking and dragging horizontally and vertically on the piano roll or beat ruler. The Notes box can be shown/hidden with the switch at the lower left of the Clip View. Use the title bar of the Notes box to open the MIDI Editor. |
Set 'plug-in buffer length' to 'as audio buffer.' If you experience a different sound from Live 4, set the 'plug-in buffer length' to '128.' If the latency gets too high, try to set up the plug-in buffer sizes to a half, third, quarter, etc. of the audio buffer size. Do not round the value! it needs to be exact (e.g. if you have an audio buffer of 257 samples, don't select 256/128 as the plug-in buffer). |
Live 8.0.5 (or newer) supports Cocoa user interfaces. |
As Steinberg states, only VST 2.4 plugins are supported on Intel Mac computers. Please contact the plug-in developers for a VST 2.4 version of their plug-ins in order to use them on an Intel Mac. |
For most VST and AU plug-ins, Configure Mode works without problems. Some plug-ins, however, don't correctly notify Live about their parameters. Here are some potential problems and workarounds:
Note: in cases 2 and 3, the problems are caused by an incorrect implementation of the plug-in. Please contact the developer of any affected plug-in and encourage them to fully support plug-in standards. |
MAC: P2P | 13 April 2021 | 1.89 GB
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Ableton Live Plugin Folder Mac
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