Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free


This Microsoft title is a definitive reference guide to developing applications that take advantage of the dynamic HTML (DHTML) features of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. It is short on tutorial material but offers a very detailed programmer's reference to DHTML. The definitive IBM i security reference, this Third Edition expands on the examples in previous Product Description Look Inside the Book Author Bio Specifications In this new edition of IBM i Security Administration and Compliance, Carol Woodbury provides readers with everything they need to know about IBM i security.

Lectures are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00-11:50 in Annenberg Auditorium. Lecture notes are available in advance and provide an outline for much of the material that will be presented in class; I recommend that you print out the notes and bring them to class so you can mark them up with additional notes during lecture.

I recommend against using laptop computers during class. Although some people prefer taking notes on a laptop instead of by hand, educational studies have shown that students using laptops tend to learn less effectively than those without laptops: there are too many distractions available on an open computer.

Additional Materials

There is no required textbook for this class, and I am not aware of a book that is a perfect match to the lecture material. The content of the course is defined by the lectures. You will need additional reference material to complete the programming projects, but this material is available on the Web. One good online source for reference documentation on HTML, CSS, and the DOM is http://w3schools.com/. This site should have enough material for CS 142, but it is not quite comprehensive. A more comprehensive source is Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, Third Edition, by Danny Goodman (O'Reilly Media), but this describes the Web as of a few years ago, so it doesn't include newer features such as HTML5. If you find a good reference source for HTML5, please let me know (I haven't yet found one).

You will learn two new languages in this class, Ruby and Javascript. The lectures will provide an introduction, but for more complete information you may find the following two books useful:

  • The Ruby Programming Language, by David Flanagan and Yukihiro Matsumoto, (O'Reilly Media).
  • JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition, by David Flanagan (O'Reilly Media).

These books are well-written and comprehensive, and they are available online, free to Stanford students through Safari Books Online. For additional material on the Rails framework I recommend two resources:

  • The Ruby on Rails Guides, which are available on the Web.
  • The Rails 3 Way (2nd Edition), by Obie Fernandez (Addison-Wesley). This book covers all of the key Rails features in detail, and it is also accessible via Safari Books Online. Note: we are not using all of the Rails features in this class.

Relevant readings in the above books are listed at the beginning of the lecture notes for each topic.

Discussion Sections

The class will have three weekly discussion sections led by the course assistants. The sections will supplement lecture with additional examples, and they will also cover additional material for the projects. The sections will meet on the Friday, Monday, and Tuesday immediately preceding each project deadline (e.g. the Monday and Tuesday sections will not meet during the first week). All of the sections will cover the same material; you are welcome to attend any or all of them.


  • The class will include 8 projects, one due each week except the first week and the week of midterms.
  • Projects will be due at the same time each week, on Thursdays at 11:59 PM.
  • You will work individually on the projects. You may discuss projects with other students (see below), but you must write your own code.
  • Late days: each student is allowed a total of 3 late days, which may be spent in units of one day (24 hours) on any projects throughout the quarter. Late days are intended to cover special situations such as illness and family emergencies, so use them wisely. Once your late days have been used up, late work will not receive any credit.
  • Style points: most of the grade for each project is based on the functionality of your project (does it do what the problem asks?). However, for each project there are also a few extra style points, which are awarded based on the way you solve the problem, not how your solution behaves. These reflect the importance of things such as proper XHTML validation, clean code structure, and nice-looking interfaces. The style points to be awarded for each project are described near the end of each project description.

Collaboration on Projects

We encourage you to discuss the projects with other students; both giving and receiving advice will help you to learn. It's fine to discuss overall strategy, share tips about Web technologies (useful CSS styles, library methods, etc.), and give and receive debugging assistance. However, you must write your own code: it's not OK to share code or write code collaboratively. The projects are intended to be simple enough for each person to implement all of every project.

Please do not post your project solutions on the Web, either during or after the class. Students occasionally do this because they are proud of their class work (some of the work in this class is quite good!), but this makes it easy for future students to copy your work rather than figuring things out for themselves. Posting solutions on the Web is a Stanford Honor Code violation, since it it has the effect of giving improper assistance to other students.


Unfortunately, Web browsers are still not 100% identical in their behavior, so Web pages may behave differently on different browsers. For this class, the reference browser is Chrome: your project solutions must work on Chrome, and the CAs will use Chrome to test them. Your solutions need not work on any browser other than Chrome. You may use a different browser to develop your solutions if you wish (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all have very similar behavior), but please test on Chrome before submitting. We do not recommend that you use Internet Explorer for development: historically, its behavior has been quite different from the other browsers, so things that work on IE may not work on Chrome, and vice versa.


The class will have a midterm exam and as well as a final examination during exams week. For people who have conflicts with the scheduled time for either examination, there will be an alternate exam shortly before the official time (time to be determined). You may bring two double-sided 8.5x11' pages of notes with you to the midterm and three double-sided pages to the final exam; other than that, exams are closed-book.


We sometimes make mistakes in grading, both on projects and exams, and are happy to correct these if you point out the error. To request a regrade for a project, post a private question on Piazza and we will respond as quickly as possible. Regrade requests must be submitted within 5 days after we send out the grades for a project or exam. For regrade requests related to the midterm exam, take your exam to the office hours of the person who graded the particular question (their initials appear under the score for that question on the cover page). For regrade requests related to the final exam, take a picture of the answer in question, and include it in a private question on Piazza along with the name of the person who graded the question. Exam regrade requests must be submitted within 5 days after we make the graded exams available.

Regrade requests should focus on errors (i.e., something we thought was wrong but actually was right, or you believe we misunderstood your work). There may be situations where you agree you made an error but disagree about the number of points deducted; unfortunately, we cannot change your score in these situations, because it would require a change in the grading rubric and thus require us to regrade all of the projects or exams.

Grading Policy

Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free

Grades for the class will be determined based on a 100-point total score computed as follows:


Students with Documented Disabilities

Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) located within the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). SDRC staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is being made. Students should contact the SDRC as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk (phone: 723-1066).

Press Release: January 16, 2007

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, Third Edition: A Comprehensive Resource for XHTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript

Sebastopol, CA--Plato had it pegged right in Danny Goodman's case: necessity was truly the mother of invention. When Goodman needed a one-volume reference to XHTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript for his own consulting and development work, he was forced to create one for himself. 'After struggling in the early Version 4 browser days with tangled online references and monstrous printed versions of Netscape, Microsoft, and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) documentation for Dynamic HTML features, I had had enough. My human brain could no longer store the parallels and discrepancies of the hundreds of terms for HTML attributes, styles sheets, and scriptable object models. And no browser maker was about to tell me how compatible a particular feature might be in another browser. It was clearly time to roll my own reference,' he recalls.

The task was daunting: 'In many cases, even the documentation from browser makers' sites was wrong. I set out not only to compile the date in a single volume, but to test as much as I could in real web page conditions across a wide range of browsers and record my findings for quick lookup later. This book is the most-used volume sitting next to my computer.'

Now in its third edition, Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference is the comprehensive reference for designers of rich Internet applications that need to operate in all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Safari, and Opera. Users can see browser support for the latest standards-based technologies, including CSS Level 3, DOM Level 3, Web Forms 2.0, XMLHttpRequest for Ajax applications, JavaScript 1.7, and many more.

'Web standards and implementations in modern web browsers have evolved significantly since the publication of the second edition. The term 'Ajax' didn't even exist back then. Therefore, it was time to expand coverage to include not only the new terminology that had been added, but also the latest available browsers,' notes Goodman.

Goodman points out that interest in richer, more interactive web applications has rejuvenated content developers' explorations of JavaScript, CSS, and DOM. 'Now that popular, everyday web sites are using these technologies to improve the visitor experience, it seems like every web site wants to include some of those features in their designs,' he says. 'Getting these techniques to work across a wide range of modern browsers benefits greatly from a reference that shows what features are implemented in various browser versions. Having reference material for HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript in a single volume is an incredible timesaver.' The new edition:

Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free

Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free Printable

  • Provides at-a-glance references for the tags, attributes, objects, properties, methods, and events of HTML, XHTML, CSS, DOM, and core JavaScript.
  • Includes handy cross referencing for looking up attributes and all the items that recognize it, including interrelated HTML tags, style properties, and document object model methods, properties, and events.
  • Offers appendices for quickly locating values useful in HTML authoring and scripting.
  • Includes a glossary with quick explanations of some of the new and potentially confusing terminology of DHTML.

Danny Goodman is a veteran author and programming consultant to corporations and top intranet development groups. His expertise in implementing sensible cross-browser, client-side scripting solutions is in high demand and allows him to 'get code under my fingernails while solving real-world problems.' He's written over 40 books, including bestselling O'Reilly titles such as the first and second editions of 'Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference' and 'JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook.'

Praise for the previous edition:

'If you're working with HTML in any way, shape, or form, this book is an absolute requirement.'

--Joel Spolsky, http://www.joelonsoftware.com

'This has been without a doubt the definitive HTML reference book ever since it was first published in 1998...a great value, essentially consisting of four reference books in one. For XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DOM. No webworker's bookshelf should be without this weighty tome...it's time to update to the new edition.'

--Netsurfer Digest

Background and Market Information: http://del.icio.us/oreillymedia/dhtml

Additional Resources:

  • More information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bio, and cover graphic

Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free Download

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, Third Edition Danny Goodman
ISBN: 0-596-52740-3, 1307 pages, $59.99 US, $77.99 CA
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free

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Dynamic Html The Definitive Reference Third Edition Free Pdf

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