Isometric Workout

Whether you are an athlete, a weekend warrior, or just looking to get in better shape, this full body eccentric isometrics routine will help you get there. Dr. Joel Seedman, CSCS, of Advanced Human Performance stops by to discuss how this form of training is so effective.

Isometric exercises have been found to have a range of health benefits. In 2016, for example, researchers found that an 8-week isometric exercise program was linked to lower blood pressure. The three main types of isometric exercise are isometric presses, pulls, and holds. They may be included in a strength training regime in order to improve the body’s ability to apply power from a static position or, in the case of isometric holds, improve the body’s ability to maintain a position for a period of time.

Recently I have been reaching out to some of the top fitness pros on the planet to share their favorite workouts. It can be a routine that they perform themselves, or something that they use with great effectiveness with their athletes and clients.

Today Dr. Joel Seedman, Ph.D., CSCS (plus so many other certifications that it’ll make your eyes go crossed), of Advanced Human Performance swung by to share his favorite workout routine, a full body eccentric isometrics routine that he loves doing himself and with his clients.

Here is Dr. Seedman to break down with training with eccentric isometrics works so darn well.

Dr. Joel Seedman’s Fav Workout: A Full Body Eccentric Isometrics Routine

I’m a huge fan of this type of training not only for my own workouts but also for those of my clients and athletes regardless of their fitness levels and training experience. In fact, roughly 80% of what I do with my athletes involves using eccentric isometrics.

Here’s why.

After performing research and investigation on various forms of training and strength protocols I’ve found nothing more effective than eccentric isometrics for maximizing strength, size, and muscle function.

Eccentric isometrics involve performing the eccentric or negative portion of the lift in a controlled manner (3-5 seconds) and holding the stretched position for a given duration (2-7 seconds) before completing the concentric or lifting phase of the movement in an explosive fashion.

Here is a video demonstration that explains the concept:

By emphasizing the eccentric component of the lift, this allows the lifter to spend more time in a loaded stretched position.

When the muscles are stretched and under tension this produces greater sensory feedback and kinesthetic awareness from muscle spindles and other proprioceptive mechanisms. As a result the athlete can make subtle adjustments to their positioning and fine-tune their body mechanics.

Not only does this improve technique and lifting form, eccentric isometrics enhance mobility, stability, functional strength, hypertrophy, muscle recovery, joint health, symmetrical loading, posture, and overall movement mechanics.

Eccentric Isometric: The Swiss Army Knife of Athletic Performance

Whether you’re a bodybuilder looking to add size, an athlete looking to improve athletic performance and power, or a weekend warrior looking to maximize their health and fitness, eccentric isometrics hold great value for all trainees.

Because eccentric isometrics are useful for improving body mechanics and muscle function, it’s important to use a higher frequency of training and perform the basic movement patterns consistently throughout your training program.

That’s because you’ll want to re-train and re-educate your nervous system how to move properly which means more practice. (Read more about eccentric isometrics in a two-part series here.)

Rather than using isolated splits I typically recommend full body workouts (or at least upper/lower split) that target all major muscle groups while emphasizing the 7 key human movement patterns.

This includes variations of:

  • Squat
  • Hinge
  • Lunge/stride
  • Horizontal push and pull
  • Vertical push and pull.

By placing your focus on mastering these 7 movement patterns not only will the lifter become incredibly strong, conditioned, and muscular from head to toe, but he or she will literally master their body mechanics.

This will have a direct impact on their quality of movement including daily functional tasks (lifting objects, walking, correcting posture) and athletic performance endeavors (sprinting, jumping, throwing, hitting, kicking, cutting, etc.).

Here’s an example of what a typical full body eccentric isometric training routine would look like:

Circuit 1

  • Eccentric Isometric Barbell Squats: 3 x 4-5 reps

Superset with

  • Eccentric Isometric Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 5

Superset with

  • Eccentric Isometric Incline Dumbbell Rows with Eyes Closed: 3 x 5-7

(Perform all rounds of each of the above exercises then move onto the following circuit)

Circuit 2

  • Eccentric Isometrics Weighted Pullups: 3 x 4-6

Superset with:

  • Eccentric Isometrics Bottoms Up Kettlebell Presses 3 x 4-5

(Perform all rounds of each of the above exercises then move onto the following circuit)

Circuit 3

  • Eccentric Isometrics Dumbbell Lunges/Split Squats: 2 x 5 each leg

Superset with:

  • Eccentric Isometrics Barbell RDL’s 2 x 6

Workout Notes:

  • Make sure to warm-up each movement pattern with lighter weights before using heavier loads
  • Rest 45-60 seconds between each exercise
  • Each exercise should be performed barefoot or in minimalist footwear

A big thank you to Dr. Seedman for stopping by and kicking some knowledge and this workout routine. You can stay up to date with him at his official website, Advanced Human Performance. Connect with him on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and subscribe to his channel on YouTube.

Famed strongman Alexander Zass credited much of his great strength to his isometric training as a prisoner during World War I. He would push on the bars and chains that held him captive and quickly saw benefits. Not long after, he started promoting this method of training through his mail order courses.

What Is Isometric Training?

In simple terms, muscle can only contract in a few ways. It can do the obvious and contract to shorten the distance between joints, such as when doing a bicep curl. This is called a concentric contraction, where the muscle tenses while shortening.

It can also tense while lowering a load, or resisting it, such as when lowering the weight in a curl. This type of contraction is known as eccentric and occurs when the muscle tenses while lengthening.

A final type of contraction is called an isometric contraction, and it occurs when the muscle tenses while not changing length. Examples of this are poses in body building or pushing against an immoveable object such as a wall.

One of the main benefits of isometric training is that the body is able to activate nearly all the available motor units - something that is usually very difficult to do.

Back in the 1950s, researchers Hettinger and Muller found a single daily effort of two-thirds of a person’s maximum effort exerted for six seconds at a time for ten weeks increased strength about 5% per week, while Clark and associates demonstrated static strength continued to increase even after the conclusion of a five-week program of isometric exercises.

Another benefit of isometric training is simply the amount of time spent performing an exercise. Consider an exercise like the bench press. It may take one to two seconds to perform with each joint angle only being trained for short periods of time.

In contrast, an exercise that mimics the bench press, like a press against pins at the sticking point of the lift, may be performed for several seconds. In other words, if you have a problem at a particular joint angle in a lift, you can do targeted isometrics to quickly overcome your problems.

Given that you can perform isometrics with little equipment and a relatively short timeframe, you’d think they’d be far more popular in the training world. So why aren’t they mainstream? For starters, there’s no denying the commercial aspect.

With isometrics there’s no valuable equipment to sell. Secondly, there has been some selective use of the science involved in isometric research. Many will cite potential drawbacks such as decreases in coordination and speed of movement or decreases in muscle elasticity.

Like all good training methods, you need to know how and when to apply isometrics, and how to overcome whatever shortfalls it has. Every system has holes and it is your job as the trainer to overcome them.

Potential decreases in muscle elasticity and speed of movement are easy to overcome with the use of relaxation and stretching methods between sets. The famous RKC Fast & Loose drills apply here, as would something even as simple as pranayama from yoga or even jumping rope.

One of the biggest issues people often cite is that isometrics will only work at that specific joint angle. However, Mel Siff noted in his book Supertraining:

…isometric training also produces significant strength increase over a range of up to as much as 15 degrees on either side of the training angle. Moreover, as with all strength measurements, there is a specific force or torque versus joint angle curve for each type of muscle contraction, so that it is highly unlikely that a strength increase would be confined to a very precise angle and nowhere else in the range.

In other words, it is more likely than not that strength gained at one joint angle will carry over to others. The caveat is that this seems most likely when the joint is at its most lengthened and the regional specificity of isometric training is most noticeable when the muscle is at its shortest.

How to Use Isometrics

I’m going to give you two versions of application. Both will work, but one will require some equipment and the other can be done on your own.

The equipment variation is suitable for someone looking for fast increases in strength, while the solo version can be used for performance but is also great for injury rehabilitation.

Version #1: Isometrics With Equipment

To do the equipment variation you’ll need a bar, a bench, a power rack, and a lot of weight. We’re going to use three exercises - the bench press, squat, and deadlift.


Bench press and squat: To perform these two we’re going to set the bar on one set of pins at the mid-range of the movement, usually where a sticking point occurs, with a second set of pins slightly above it. You don’t even need load on the bar for either of these variations.

On most power racks simply set the second set of pins at the next available height. Performing the isometric contraction is simple. Assume your position with either the squat or the bench press and drive the bar into the higher set of pins as hard as you can for six to eight seconds.

Deadlift: To perform the deadlift variation load the bar with a weight that is well beyond your one-rep max. It is important that the bar will not budge at all once you start the pull.

As a side note, you will get a lot of looks at the gym when you just load plate after plate after plate onto the bar. Like with the bench and squat variations, you will pull as hard as possible for six to eight seconds.

Version #2: Isometrics With Bodyweight Only

Isometric workout benefits

The main problem many will have with these bodyweight variations is the lack of sensation of actually pushing or pulling the weight. These exercises are performed as static contractions in a single position.

The three exercises to be used are the squat, lunge, and push up. For any of the three, assume a position midway through the range of movement and tense everything you can in your body as hard as possible.

What makes this tricky is that not only will you have to tense what would be the agonists (the muscles contracting while you squat or lunge), but also the antagonists (muscles that oppose the action, such as the back in the push up).

My experience is that many people don’t have good enough body control to be able to execute this well. Regardless, many will still find that a single rep is spent chasing tension around the body.

As soon as you have one thing tight, you’ll realize that your calves aren’t turned on, and then that will switch your glutes off, which in turn will cause you quads to let go, and on and on. With practice this chase does go away and you will become more skilled at getting everything switched on quickly and fully, which is the exact purpose of this training - to teach you to recruit more motor units.


In either plan, you can change the joint angle workout-by-workout, or week-by-week to minimize any potential loss of ability at different angles. For the deadlift, either raise the bar a few inches or work from a slight deficit in successive workouts.

Russian sports science great Yuri Verkhoshansky recommended that isometric workouts be limited to ten minutes per session. This would be total time of isometric contraction for the whole workout, so for example, if you did 3 x 10 second holds in each position (for either workout) you’d have done ninety seconds total.


The greatest success I’ve had with people is working up to five sets of ten-second contractions in each position. I know that is well short of the maximum ten minute time span, but if you do these right, meaning that when you turn everything on you really make sure to tense everything maximally, you will find your CNS can’t handle too much more.

I generally recommend people start with three six-second contractions for each exercise and add a rep per week, before adding time to the length of each rep. In between reps perform Fast & Loose drills, breathing exercises, shadow box, or anything else that will shake off the muscle tension.

Isometric workout book for men barn and noble

Isometric sessions should be used just like regular strength training with peak frequency for the week at around three to four sessions. Be careful with how much you do.

These sessions won’t leave you sore or tired, but CNS fatigue is easily hidden. It can take the nervous system up to five times longer to recover than the muscular system, so the effects of isometric training can last a long time after your session.

Isometric Workout Program


I had a volleyball player who was on an isometric program years ago. We were using the bodyweight plan to get his knees back up to speed after an injury. In a single week he hit the session five times and then wondered why he couldn’t play on the weekend.

The CNS fatigue from many all out maximal attempts during the week had seen him unable to serve a single ball in during a tournament!

Isometric Workout Equipment

So, take heed - isometrics work, just use them like any other high intensity method, and a little goes a long way.


1. Mell C. Siff, PhD, Supertraining (Denver: Supertraining Institute, 2004), 401

Isometric Workout Station

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.