Androrat download, one of the best android remote-administration tool introduced every with a wide range of functionality. It includes Androrat APK and Androrat Binder.
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- It has been realised in one month. The goal of the application is to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve informations from it. Technical matters. The android application is the client for the server which receive all the connections. The android application run as a service(not an activity) that is started during the boot.
Android Remote administration tool best known as Android RAT) is a programmed tool that allows a remote device to control a system as if they have physical access to that system. While desktop sharing and remote administration have many legal uses, “RAT” software is usually associated with unauthorized or malicious-activity.
Androrat is one of the top of the line android rats, an android based remote administration tool which is a very powerful in it’s kind. Chinna chinna aasai tamil mp3 song free download. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side which is Androrat APK and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name Androrat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). It’s a remote administration tool that allows to control mobile devices remotely with a computer.
Androrat APK Download
Creating an apk is quite easy. You just don’t need to do a lot of stuff. It’s size will be just a tiny like 100kb. It won’t take that much space of the phone so victim doesn’t gets any idea if there’s anything wrong with it. Once Androrat APK for android gets installed to victim’s machine. You are in total control of their phone. You can do with anything you like to using the androrat client panel. All the above mentioned controls are in your hand now. Just play your game now.
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Androrat Binder Download
Androrat binder download creates and binds the apk for your victim machine. You can create a simple androrat apk by just entering your simple information which are shown in the androrat tutorial you can follow. Just fill out the fields and you have APK for your victim to install in their phone. To get around the fear of being captured by the victim for suspicious installation activity, Androrat Binder have a great feature to bind the androrat apk with any other regular apps like WhatsApp etc. In this way, you just simply send the binded app to the victim and he even won’t be able to see that it’s binded with your androrat apk and when he installs that WhatsApp apk you sent them, your binded androrat apk will automatically get installed.
This was developed by the university students as a part of their project which went beyond that university project, and got popular in hacking smartphones remotely with androrat.
Features of Androrat
- Androrat APK (Create and install APK into the target phone and monitor it remotely on the go).
- Androrat Binder (Bind the APK with any Android app, so no one can know what they are installing).
- Get contacts complete info (It will get all the contacts of the target’s phone and you can view any of the contact you like to.)
- Get all logs (Retrieves complete incoming and outgoing calls record of the target phone).
- Monitor messages and other conversations (It’s the one of the most powerful and handy thing that you can read all the conversation messages and keep an eye over the person you want to. It gives you control over the target conversation and messages so you can make sure, no one’s playing with your relationship or also can check your kid’s activities).
- Find out the Location by GPS/Network (Track the target phone pin-point location using the GPS feature of Androrat)
- Check out Browser History (Dive into your kid’s browser history and keep an eye to make sure they are not on the wrong track).
- Monitoring received messages in live (Monitor the live messages target receives, it keeps up to date with the messages coming in right away).
- Monitoring phone state in live (Monitor when the phone is in busy state like calling or not and when it’s idle. Whose calling right now or missed call. Be in touch with complete call record live going on).
- Take a snapshots from the camera (This is one of the best feature I used, you can take photos from the camera of the connected victim. All the captured photos will be sent directly to you within just few moments).
- Stream sound from microphone and media played. (You can listen to the microphone live to stay updated what’s going on there and what are the talking about. Even it let you hear the media player music).
- Streaming video (Stream live video from the victim’s phone and see what are they doing right now and where they are. This is the best way to catch a liar).
- Do a toast (It is used to prompt a message over the phone. You can send anything in a do a toast you want to).
- Send text messages (It gives complete control over the sending messages from their phone. They even won’t notice you sent a message remotely through their smartphone).
- Make a call (Can also make calls from the victim’s phone remotely).
- Open an URL in the default browser (Open any website in the user’s browser).
- Check out installed Apps (Keep an eye over all the installed applications in the phone).
- Do vibrate the phone (To make fun out of it, just vibrate phone to make them wonder how it’s happening).
Androrat GUI Interface
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Androrat is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool which is very simple and easy to work with. A simple double-click on a client open his window to interact with any of the connected client. All the connected clients appears in a window like shown below. This client list automatically gets updated when a new user connects or is disconnected. In the log panel beneath the client list, shows all the connection logs.
Following screenshot shows what you can do with a connected user. You can play with a plenty of options to a remote device, available in the client window which is articulated around tabs. All the commands are categorized in the top tabbed menu. The default tab is called Home and provide various functionalities. First as we can see in the left scroll view all the information about the client like carrier information, battery status, network detailed status, sensors status etc. On the right there is the option which allow remotely to change the configuration of the client like the ip and port to connect to, either or not wait a trigger to intent server connection etc. Finally quick actions can be performed in this tab like a toast message, do vibrate the phone or open an URL.
Download Androrat for Android – Androrat Download
Androrat download in complete androrat setup download available. Just download and extract setup to start working with it. It contains all the necessary components of the it, including androrat apk and androrat binder in it.
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Click here Weider pro olc manual. to download androrat full version or you can check the github project here.
You can explore the list of top android hacking apps of 2020.
How does Androrat works? Android RAT Working
As we discussed in detail about the features of Androrat. It’s newer version is capable to take over android device remotely with the root exploits and Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. It is capable of exploiting the most harmful vulnerabilities to the target device. Install 6 volt battery flashlight. So, how does it works?
- Build an APK through Androrat APK Binder.
- Send that APK to target user.
- Once they install the application to their device, their device will appear up on your computer in AndroRAT client panel.
- From the client panel, you will be able to perform various operations on the target smartphone like fetching messages, contacts, logs, media and many others.
What makes AndroRAT special over the other Android RATs?
Androrat takes control of the connected device and can do anything with it remotely like stealing confidential information and sensitive data. That’s not the only thing, even it gives attacker access to victim files, messages and even GPS location of the user.
Some of the powerful things about Androrat are; it can capture the photos and videos from the victim’s remote cam and can spy the voice through audio mic as well.

How to prevent smartphone being hacked by this Android RAT?
To be on the safe side, make sure to install the apps from the known sources like PlayStore. Do not install apps from any unknown sources.
Secondly, do not forget to install any malware removal tool and antivirus to your smartphone. Additionally, keep your software version up to date with the latest updates for the enhanced security measures.