Tonight, Apple released macOS Catalina. See below on how to block this upgrade with Jamf Pro. As with any new OS release, you might have some required software titles which are not compatible with the new OS & especially some of the more security focused changes. To remove Creative Cloud Files from Finder in OS X, launch a new Finder window and make sure your sidebar is visible (View Show Sidebar in the Finder menu bar or use the keyboard shortcut Option-Command-SOnce the sidebar is visible, you should see the Creative Cloud files entry listed in the “Favorites” section. Creative Cloud is the perfect compilation of professional tools for image compositing, photo editing, website design, 3D and augmented reality, logo creation, and more. In late 2018, Adobe added many new features to its latest Creative Cloud version, including many new features for its flagship app Photoshop CC.
The School of Information has reviewed macOS Catalina (v10.15) for issues. iSchool is now provisionally supporting Catalina. Please read the VERY IMPORTANT notes below regarding known issues under Catalina:
1. End of 32-bit Support: 32-bit applications will NOT run under Catalina. If you have older versions of applications running on your computer, they may fail to launch after you upgrade to Catalina. You may want to consult the following site for a list of 32-bit applications that will not run under Catalina:
2. Upgrade Timing: We encourage users to wait until update 10.15.2 for Catalina is released, likely in late November or early December 2019. Generally, major issues are resolved by the .2 or .3 update release of macOS. Also, students and faculty may want to consider waiting until the end of the academic term before upgrading, just to avoid any unexpected or unpleasant issues in the middle of the term.

3. SJSU and iSchool systems: The following are supported under Catalina:
- Google Apps: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
- Canvas: See Canvas browser compatibility list.
- MySJSU: The MySJSU Sign In page will detect your current browser. If you are using an unsupported browser, you will be notified
- Zoom: Recent Zoom application updates have added support and enhancements for macOS Catalina.
- Qualtrics: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
- DocuSign: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
- WebData Pro: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
- WordPress: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
- Panopto: Current browser releases for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
4. Adobe applications (including Acrobat and Creative Cloud), please review the following website:
Please note that many older Adobe products are problematic under Catalina due to the use of 32-bit components. For Creative Cloud, if you need to upgrade to CC 2019, please use the following form to request a named user license:
Macos Creative Cloud Please Wait For A Moment Back
5. SPSS Statistics: There are some known issues, but fixes are available. Please see the following document from IBM:
6. Sophos: Corrective steps are required after upgrading to Catalina. Please see:
7. Microsoft Office: Users must run the 64-bit versions of Office. The latest releases of Office 365 and Office 2019 for Mac are 64-bit and fully compatible with Catalina. Office 2016 for Mac requires that you update to at least v15.35, which is fully 64-bit. Office 2011 is not supported under Catalina, since it is 32-bit, and also Microsoft dropped support for it in 2017.
8. Camtasia & SnagIt: Current versions of Camtasia have been updated with Catalina support as follows:

Macos Creative Cloud Please Wait For A Momentum
- Snagit 2019.1.6
- Snagit 2020
- Camtasia 2018.0.11
- Camtasia 2019.0.5