Docker For Mac Machine Ip

Question or issue on macOS:

For Mac/Windows, you will have to obtain the IP using following command: docker-machine ip default Tip: Docker Desktop for Windows / Docker Desktop for Mac is an easy-to-use graphical interface provided with the Docker Toolbox, which will make this installation a lot easier. When the Docker Desktop application starts, it copies the /.docker/certs.d folder on your Mac to the /etc/docker/certs.d directory on Moby (the Docker Desktop xhyve virtual machine). You need to restart Docker Desktop after making any changes to the keychain or to the /.docker/certs.d directory in order for the changes to take effect. When the Docker Desktop application starts, it copies the /.docker/certs.d folder on your Mac to the /etc/docker/certs.d directory on Moby (the Docker Desktop xhyve virtual machine). You need to restart Docker Desktop after making any changes to the keychain or to the /.docker/certs.d directory in order for the changes to take effect.

Expected behavior After installing Docker for Mac installer I would want to see the ip address $ docker-machine ip I would want to install dns server inside docker and use et in my host machine /etc/resolver/test. To do this I would need the ip address of: Docker for Mac to resolve all.test domains into the xhyve virtual machine. Difference between Docker on Linux and Docker on Mac/Windows environments Based on your OS, your DOCKERHOST is different. On Linux, it will simply be your localhost. For Mac/Windows, you should obtain the appropriate IP using the following command.

I have created a ubuntu docker container on my mac

I set port as 123.

My container IP is

On my Mac I try to ping my container,

Ping, I got Request timeout for icmp_seq 0….

What should I do? So my local machine can ping the container I installed. Did I missing some app installation on my container, which is a plain ubuntu system?

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

You can’t ping or access a container interface directly with Docker for Mac.

The current best solution is to connect to your containers from
another container. At present there is no way we can provide routing
to these containers due to issues with OSX that Apple have not yet
resolved. we are tracking this requirement, but we cannot do anything
about it at present.

Docker Toolbox/VirtualBox

When running Docker Toolbox, Docker Machine via VirtualBox or any VirtualBox VM (like a Vagrant definition) you can setup a “Host-Only Network” and access the Docker VMs network via that.

If you are using the default boot2docker VM, don’t change the existing interface as you will stop a whole lot of Docker utilities from working, add a new interface.

You will also need to setup routing from your Mac to the container networks via your VM’s new IP address. In my case the Docker network range is and the Host Only adapter IP on the VM is

Adding a permanent route to osx is bit more complex

Then you can get to containers from your Mac

Solution no. 2:

As an alternative, if your container has a bash shell incorporated, you can access it through

docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> bash

and then you can ping your virtual ip

Solution no. 3:

Docker for mac machine ip address

It works in this scenario:

  1. Windows host
  2. Linux VM installed on Windows host
  3. Docker container installed on Linux VM host

Now you have to note this. Containers are in a isolated network but connected to the internet throught your Docker container host adapter.So you have to tell kernel linux to be available in your network then in your Linux VM:

Now in you Windows host you have to add a route for our container network:
route add “Docker container network” “Linux VM IP” for example

Solution no. 4:


Docker For Mac Machine Ip Addresses

PC-A a is docker host, PC-B is a another PC in the network. To ping/access docker’s container from PC-B, run the below iptables-rules in the host.

note: eth0 is host’s interface and docker0 is docker’s virtual default bridge.

Now add route in PC-B

ping/access container services directly.

Solution no. 5:

Let’s say you have W-> windows machine, L-Linux Vbox VM (eth0,eth1) and docker app (using port 8989) running on this L-Linux Vbox VM. Provider does not have to Vbox anyway or W-> a win.You want to type http://app:8989 on your browser.There are two methods afak; easy way to run vagrant automatically or manually configure Vbox VM with port forwarding through “Host-only Adapter” which is actually eth1; normally eth0 is Vbox’s default reserved IP assignment.Or on command prompt on win/lin/mac through “VBoxManage” command you can set up networks or automate through scripts.

run docker app

on windows explorer(W-> windows machine) browse your app

Docker For Mac Machine Ip

Docker For Mac Machine Ip Address

You still can not ping “” which is docker container IP in this situation from W-> windows machine.This could run cross-platform win/lin/mac.You might want to look into Vbox Manual and Vagrant Manual, particularly networks.

Docker For Mac Machine Ipad

Hope this helps!