Once the correct EDS compressed file has been downloaded, extract the EDS file and icon to a temporary folder and import them into your EtherNet/IP configuration tool. The correct EDS file is also embedded in the RMC controller itself and may be uploaded into the EtherNet/IP configuration tool, if supported by that particular tool. The EDS files are downloaded along with the DataMan Setup Tool software. Assuming the default installation path is used, they can be found in C: Program Files (x86) Cognex DataMan DataMan Software v5.x.x Tools EthernetIP EDS, where 5.x.x would be whatever version of the Dataman Setup Tool that you have installed. EDS-File for CPX Valveterminals with EtherNet/IP connection Supported systems: Bus node CPX-FB36 (1912451) Motion Terminal VTEM (8047502) Terminal CPX (197330) Valve terminal MPA-FB-VI (530411) Valve terminal MPAF-FB-VI (544397) Valve terminal MPAL-VI (569926) Valve terminal VTSA-FB (539217) Valve terminal VTSA-FB-NPT (539218). The EDS files are downloaded along with the In-Sight Explorer software. Assuming the default installation path is used, they can be found in C:Program Files (x86)CognexIn-SightIn-Sight Explorer x.x.xFactory Protocol DescriptionEDS, where x.x.x would be whatever version of In-Sight Explorer that you have installed.
Download the latest software and accessories from the SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS tab, or click on the REGISTRATION tab to request an activation code (register for use).
Contact KEYENCE for help downloading items marked with Available for Purchasers Only
Electronic Data Sheets (EDS) EDS files are simple text files used by network configuration tools to help you identify products and easily commission them on a network.The EDS archives maintain a history of revisions as well as the most up-to-date versions of.
XG-H1XA VisionEditor / VisionTerminal
This integrated development environment software allows users to configure and edit XG-X Series settings using a PC. Click here to activate (register for use). |
This software allows users to collect image data and results data from the controller on a PC easily and to display and manipulate controller screens on a PC. |
Offering only the simulation function of the VisionEditor software, this software can be used on multiple PCs with only one license. Click here to activate (register for use). |
Controller Firmware
This firmware is for use with XG-X Series controllers. |
CA-H1DB VisionDatabase
This database provides long-term storage of image and result data, and backups of inspection settings. A two week trial period is available after installation. Click here to activate (register for use). *A CA-H1DB license and CA-AD1 are required to use this product. |
XG-X ActiveX Control
This is an ActiveX control for creating a Windows application that operates the controller, and collects data or image output from the controller. |

Communication Files
This driver is used for USB connection to a PC. |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via EtherNet/IP. Registration of these EDS files is not necessary for KEYENCE KV Series products. If XG-X Series cannot be selected in your version of KV STUDIO, please update to the latest version of KV STUDIO. |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via CC-Link. |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via PROFINET. |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via EtherCAT. |
XR Software (For PC connection type XR 3D cameras)
This firmware is for use with PC connection type XR 3D cameras. |
The software allows users to connect to, configure, and view images from PC connection type XR-HTMD 3D cameras. |

Activation is required for the XG-X VisionEditor and XG-X Simulator+ Software. Once logged in to your Keyence.com account, you can request an activation code for the software you need at the links below. For XG-X Vision Editor, note that you can apply for a full activation code if you have a purchased license, or you can apply for a one-time 30-day trial code. During business hours, you can expect a code to be sent to your registered account e-mail within 30 minutes.

At the bottom of this page, you can find activation code request links for the XR-HT GigE software. There are full license codes and 15-day trial codes available.
Note that e-mail addresses from free services, like Gmail or Hotmail, are not supported. Please update your account information or contact your KEYENCE sales representative if you need to add your company e-mail for registration.
XG-X Series
Eds Files Not Registering
Activation codes for purchasers
Trial activation codes

XR Series
Activation codes for purchasers
Eds Files Ab
Trial activation codes