Hi all, first off I am new to this site having stumbled upon it while looking for some i.d help with a newly acquired Lee Enfield rifle so please bear with me as I am not yet familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the search function. The rifle in question is a 1943 with numbers; N24MKJ(F)FTR /49AP6888 stamped on the reciever. I made a trade for the action and barrel of an Enfield 1918 SMLE MKIII., Serial Number O 4477. According to the markings it was rebarreled in 1921 in England and the barrel serial number forced matched to the receiver. It is marked G.R. It was sold out service, unknown year, marked.303 2.22″. The barrel was tested to 18+ TONS. Nov 17, 2015 I have an Enfield Mark 4 number two, with serial “AC7594”, also marked “1943”, and “M” +7.,On the top of the front barrel cap it has “JB”letters. On the bolt-knob handle it has. Aug 17, 2008 Lee Enfield - Serial Numbers. Veteran member. Post Aug 17, 2008 #1 2008-08-17T19:19. The link below is to a web site I created some. 4 Mark 2 Irish Contract Fazakerly 1954 manufacture. Serial number is in the range of rifles produced for the Irish Republic, commonly called Irish contract rifles.
- Lee Enfield Serial Number Database 2020
- British Lee Enfield Serial Number Database
- Lee Enfield Serial Number Database Lookup
- Where Is The Serial Number On A Lee Enfield

Lee Enfield Serial Number Database 2020

*Serial Number Database Software

*Lee Enfield Serial Number Database Lookup
British Lee Enfield Serial Number Database
*British Enfield Serial Number Lookup '.. Is there a consensus on who's 'the best Enfield armorer' in the states? Seems like theses rifles are a unique animal and you want an Enfield-specific pro working on them. I know the right people for US Mil stuff, ..' there are quite a few enfield collectors and armorers in florida , its been years since ive had contact with any of them but im certain you will find what you need if persistent , Serial Number Database Softwareas the others said - do not over think or over react , one thing that is true with these - never say never or always , simple thought for rifles that were not made as interchangeable and hand fitted by armorers , most that are refitted are fine as long as not mucked about by civilians trying to improve them , Lee Enfield Serial Number Database LookupBritish Enfield Serial Number Lookupdo not fix what is not broken ,
MAGAZINE LEE RIFLES & CARBINES Lee-Metford Lee-Enfield Note: Charger loaders and conversions are family. Please record original details from right side of butt socket (left side for carbines) below the royal cypher (crown, V.R. &c.) SMLE Mk I series. SMLE Mk III series (Enfield, LSA, BSA only). Some people argue that only those rifles with serial numbers in the range I mentioned are Irish Contract rifles. Considering no one knows for sure which rifles were actually delivered to Ireland, many other people consider any SMLE Lee-Enfield No. 2 rifles delivered to Ireland to be Irish Contract rifles.
Lee Enfield Serial Number Database Lookup

Hi all, first off I am new to this site having stumbled upon it while looking for some i.d help with a newly acquired Lee Enfield rifle so please bear with me as I am not yet familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the search function. The rifle in question is a 1943 with numbers; N24MKJ(F)FTR /49AP6888 stamped on the reciever. I made a trade for the action and barrel of an Enfield 1918 SMLE MKIII., Serial Number O 4477. According to the markings it was rebarreled in 1921 in England and the barrel serial number forced matched to the receiver. It is marked G.R. It was sold out service, unknown year, marked.303 2.22″. The barrel was tested to 18+ TONS. Nov 17, 2015 I have an Enfield Mark 4 number two, with serial “AC7594”, also marked “1943”, and “M” +7.,On the top of the front barrel cap it has “JB”letters. On the bolt-knob handle it has. Aug 17, 2008 Lee Enfield - Serial Numbers. Veteran member. Post Aug 17, 2008 #1 2008-08-17T19:19. The link below is to a web site I created some. 4 Mark 2 Irish Contract Fazakerly 1954 manufacture. Serial number is in the range of rifles produced for the Irish Republic, commonly called Irish contract rifles.
*Serial Number Database Software
*Lee Enfield Serial Number Database Lookup
Where Is The Serial Number On A Lee Enfield
*British Enfield Serial Number Lookup '.. Is there a consensus on who's 'the best Enfield armorer' in the states? Seems like theses rifles are a unique animal and you want an Enfield-specific pro working on them. I know the right people for US Mil stuff, ..' there are quite a few enfield collectors and armorers in florida , its been years since ive had contact with any of them but im certain you will find what you need if persistent , Serial Number Database Softwareas the others said - do not over think or over react , one thing that is true with these - never say never or always , simple thought for rifles that were not made as interchangeable and hand fitted by armorers , most that are refitted are fine as long as not mucked about by civilians trying to improve them , Lee Enfield Serial Number Database LookupBritish Enfield Serial Number Lookupdo not fix what is not broken ,